Coral Triangle Stock Images
Eric Madeja's Coral Triangle stock images are now available for licensing. Feel free to surf, share and download the albums below. By doing so, you agree to the Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND), which allows use under certain terms & conditions.
You can purchase a commercial rights-managed (RM) license should you require high resolution Coral Triangle images without watermark. We have many unpublished images in our library, contact us for specific requests.
We receive a high number of "free of charge" images requests by individuals and non-profit organisations. For various reasons we can only accommodate these requests under exceptional circumstances. Please email us for more information.
You can purchase a commercial rights-managed (RM) license should you require high resolution Coral Triangle images without watermark. We have many unpublished images in our library, contact us for specific requests.
We receive a high number of "free of charge" images requests by individuals and non-profit organisations. For various reasons we can only accommodate these requests under exceptional circumstances. Please email us for more information.

Farming, ranching, caging, seaweed, pearls, mussels, lobsters, crabs, fish, abalone, shells, shrimp, prawn, sea cucumber

Harvesting, collecting, preparation, sea cucumbers, holothuroidea, Hǎishēn, 海参

Hard coral, Soft coral, Gorgonians

Crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, prawn, krill and barnacles

storms, earth quakes, destructive fishing, blast fishing, cyanide, fish trawling, pollution, climate change, epidemics, siltation, over-fishing

recreational diver, research diver, underwater photographer, filmmaker, snorkelers, marine tourism, scuba tourism

dolphins, porpoises, whales, marine mammals, cetaceans

parrotfish, fusiliers, barracudas, snappers, sweetlips, mackerels, tuna, groupers, batfish, angelfish, butterflyfish, triggerfish, trevallies, rabbitfish, wrasses, surgeonfish, damselfish, pufferfish, boxfish, filefish, porcupinefish, burrfish, tuna, sweepers, bannerfish, squirrelfish, breams, scats, baitfish

scorpionfish, lionfish, gobies, dragonets, sand divers, waspfish, stargazers, stonefish, hawkfish, anthias, dottybacks, sea moths, dartfish, flatheads, scorpionfish, catfish, jawfish, blennies, cuskeels, lizardfish, sand perches, flounders, frogfish

clownfish, anemonefish, damselfish, aquarium fish

fish larvae, fish juveniles, flying fish, oceanic sunfish, mola-mola, sargassum frogfish

seahorse, pipefish, pipehorse, traditional chinese medicine

sharks, rays, mantas, mobulas, shark finning, jaws, teeth, fins

small scale fisheries, fishermen, net-fishing, line fishing, fish traps

commercial fisheries, fish trawling, purse seiner, tuna fisheries, bagang, processing plants

blast fishing, dynamite fishing, cyanide, hookah divers, speargun

jellyfish, anemones, mushroom coral, seapen, hydrozoa, cubozoa, scyphozoa, anthozoa

beautiful scenery from the Coral Triangle

Coral Triangle split-level (over-under) photography. Part underwater, part above water.

mangrove forests, mangrove planting, resources use, cutting, mangrove wildlife, mangrove roots, archer fish, mudskipper, crocodile

mussels, clams, oysters, cockles, scallops

octopi, squids, sepia, cuttlefish, chambered nautilus, mimic octopus, starry octopus, blue-ringed octopus, long-arm octopus, bobtail squid, flamboyant cuttlefish, octopus and squid fisheries, nautilus trapping

nudibranch, slugs, abalone, conches, periwinkles, whelks, triton shell, souvenir trade

people, villages, transports, cooking, faces, children, markets, sea gypsies, bajau laut, resource use

Phytoplankton, Zooplankton

beautiful underwater reef scenery from the Coral Triangle

scientists, researchers, volunteers

snakes, kraits, hydrophiidae

green turtle, leatherback turtle, hawksbill turtle, flatback turtle, loggerhead turtle, turtle egg trade, turtle nesting, egg collecting, hatchlings

amphibolis, cymodocea, halodule, syringodium, thalassodendron, enhalus, halophila, thalassia, posidonia, phyllospadix, zostera, sea vegetables, latok, sea grapes, seagrass beds

star fish, sea star, sea urchin, reef gleaning

filter feeders, sea squirt, barrel sponge, hexactinellid, homoscleromorpha, demosponge, calcareous sponge, ascidians, thaliacea, larvacea

birds, lizards, coconut crabs, insects, monkeys, apes, orchids, elephants, snakes, moths, bats, bees

textures from the Coral Triangle

energy, waves, currents, winds

christmas tree worms, hobbit worm, flat worms, tube worms
Eric Madeja
WhatsApp: +60128382272
Skype: eric_madeja
Email me